Egyptian Museum. Turin /February 2015 / Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino
Egyptian Museum. Turin /February 2015 / Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino
The logo for Turin’s Egyptian Museum has been conceived by Ico Migliore e Mara Servetto as a ‘sign of identity’ and it presents deep meanings and connections with the history of Egypt as well as that of the Museum.
The logo bears over reference to the ancient hieroglyphic of water. Its rhythmic and continuous ductus symbolically alludes to the importance water had, at geographical and historical level, for Egypt and Turin. While the former found in the Nile the source of its civilization, the latter grew and developed around the Po. Meanwhile, the matrix of this hieroglyph includes the concept of dynamism as well as the concept of ‘ever-changing’: the mean ideas of the renovated Egyptian Museum’s new conception. A new iconic symbol sketched through the stream of a unique idea, which brings back a strong spontaneity and modernity of the sign, which is almost a scratch, readable in vertical as well as in horizontal way. A flexible and contemporary sign/mark, modulated on Nile’s colors, which allows different uses without losing its uniqueness and communicative power. Moreover the graphic rhythm of the symbol is matched by the historically strong trait of the Bodoni type as a homage/gift to the extraordinary innovation of the typeface conceived at the end of the XIII century by the Piedmontese Giambattista Bodoni. At the beginning of the XIX century the sign became the Egyptian Museum’s historical emblem and by now is still present on the façade. The logo is declined in order to create a unique Museum’s coordinated image.

The logo for Turin’s Egyptian Museum has been conceived by Ico Migliore e Mara Servetto as a ‘sign of identity’ and it presents deep meanings and connections with the history of Egypt as well as that of the Museum.
The logo bears over reference to the ancient hieroglyphic of water. Its rhythmic and continuous ductus symbolically alludes to the importance water had, at geographical and historical level, for Egypt and Turin. While the former found in the Nile the source of its civilization, the latter grew and developed around the Po. Meanwhile, the matrix of this hieroglyph includes the concept of dynamism as well as the concept of ‘ever-changing’: the mean ideas of the renovated Egyptian Museum’s new conception. A new iconic symbol sketched through the stream of a unique idea, which brings back a strong spontaneity and modernity of the sign, which is almost a scratch, readable in vertical as well as in horizontal way. A flexible and contemporary sign/mark, modulated on Nile’s colors, which allows different uses without losing its uniqueness and communicative power. Moreover the graphic rhythm of the symbol is matched by the historically strong trait of the Bodoni type as a homage/gift to the extraordinary innovation of the typeface conceived at the end of the XIII century by the Piedmontese Giambattista Bodoni. At the beginning of the XIX century the sign became the Egyptian Museum’s historical emblem and by now is still present on the façade. The logo is declined in order to create a unique Museum’s coordinated image.