“ Migliore+Servetto’s projects are marked by a very modern approach. They often combine design with an expressive use of light and new technologies. When they present us with their unconventional concept, we liked the contemporary and innovative spirit; it was exactly what we were looking for. ”

Giorgio Busnelli,
President and CEO of B&B Italia. In FRAME, May 2016



Frame (USA), Jul-Aug. 2016 n.111, «With no physical products on show, B&B Italia’s 50th anniversary installation offered a fresh form of retrospection»

“ Migliore e Servetto rather than design their scenography, they write it, as if it were a story. Entering their landscapes is like becoming actors in a story told in motion.

Paolo Rinaldi
DDN, Apr. 2007, n.140 « Lo studio dei cinque cortili»



Interiors, (Korea)n. 333, Jun. 2014, « Exhibition. I saloni 2014»

“ The lighting of a Piero della Francesca masterpiece by Migliore+Servetto Architects was designed to create a revelation – both actual and intellectual.

FX, Apr. 2017, n. 277, « Path to enlightenment »



Vogue Korea, Jan. 2018, n.475 «Wunderkammer»

“The set up designed by Migliore+Servetto for the milanese showroom of Boffi combines simple volumes with spectacular cutting edge techniques : monitor oled and oleographic effects.

Diseňo Interior, March 2004, n.140, (Spain), «Imàgenese de luz»



MH, (China), n.457, July 2016 «Space & Interiors»

“The installation – conceived as a dynamic representation made up of light, materials ad projections – sections and explodes parts and elements from the body of the train, offering the visitor different possibilities of understanding and suggestion.

Lotus, March 2009, n.137, «Wallpaper* Express Fast and Fabulous : from Beijing to Shangai with Bombardier»



Domus, (Italy), n.841, Oct. 2001 «Driving Dream, una mostra per Tod’s-Ferrari»



Design, Jan. 2018, n.475 «Max Mara Coats! One scene of fashion archive is born like this.»

“Arriving from the dark path that rises and falls, in memory perhaps of the alternating commitment required by knowledge, in the deep and wide space of a perspective construction, only the light remains to underscore the perfect harmony, the hidden symbolism and the spiritual value of the ‘Madonna della Misericordia’. Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto have designed “a narrative experience of light and dynamics, of differentiated heights and perspectives” that leads visitors to discover, see and understand the genesis and the history of Piero della Francesca’s masterpiece.

Giulia Bruno
DDN, Jan. 2017, n. 227, « A secular procession »



Interni, Nov. 2015, n.11 «Il libro va in scena»

“A huge square spreading  under 13m high structure interestingly reveals the vast know-how of Max Mara thorugh a variety of objects, images, collection and interactive contents covering seven wunderkammer. Above all each exhibition hall divided  by 10 years can freely cross without any order and the audience can ‘re-create’ the exhibit themselves through the innovative movement designed by Migliore+Servetto Architects.

Bob Magazine, Jan. 2018, n.162










Glocal Design Magazine, (Mexico), Apr. 2017 «La ligereza del construir.» pp. 56-59

“ Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto have produced a lot of projects around the world, from the Chopin Museum in Warsaw to the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo where they worked at the 53rd floor of a skyscraper, crossing Seoul and now San Paolo where they designed the exhibition about Steve Jobs. ”

Teresa Monestiroli, la Repubblica, Thursday 25 May 2017, n.122, «Architetti a dominicio, moi globetrotter della casa di ringhiera»



Bob, (Korea), n.146, Jun. 2016 «William Klein – Il mondo a modo suo»

“ In the late 1990s and the opening years of this century I had the pleasure to work with Ico Migliore, Mara Servetto and their firm on a variety of projects that demanded everything from advanced engineering to elaborate staging and solid, common sense. Through a series of exhibitions, I saw their works that have echoed and inspired around the world. In private projects I observed a keen attention to detail that reveals a sense of intimacy. In commercial ventures I noted a flexibility that both respects and enhances brands.

Tyler Brûlé,
Editor in Chief, in Space Morphing, Oct. 2007



A+D+M, (Italy), n.50, 2014 «ARCADI Museum for Compasso d’Oro ADI Collection»

“Over the last twenty years, the star of Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto has become evident, with enviable continuity delivering projects of temporary architectures to clients and critics. Their results prove they are the children of Achille Castiglioni’s teaching. A work of international importance has seen them already win three Compasso d’Oro awards.

Beppe Finessi,
in Achille Castiglioni visionary. The installational alphabet of a designer director, exhibition catalogue, «Before, during and after Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni’s exhibition designs» pp. 62-75.





Bob, Jun. 2017, n. 155, «space&interiors 2017»

“The marks can be metamorphic, dynamic and identify the space, encouraging communication, interaction, sharing.

OFARCH, Mar. 2017, n. 140, « Migliore+Servetto Architects: encounters, exhibition pathways and landscapes » pp. 114-121



Interior Design, (USA), Apr. 2016 «Where the pen meets the lens»

“The highly original, Leonardo-style interpretation by Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto offers an open museum able to offer knowledge, without indulging in elitist discussions about the value of the reproduction of universal works. It’s a cultural mediation respectful of the history as well as of the location.

Modulo, Jul. – Aug. 2016, n. 402, « Un museo nuovo »



Area, n. 32, May – June 1997, « Da padiglione a villa»

“I have appreciated their sensitivity in grasping the spirit of the age through their choice of materials and technology and, above all, their ability to convey the idea underpinning a project. Indistinguishable communal spaces have been transformed through the simplicity of an idea into containers of a variety of products, holding onto a purity and simplicity now rarely encountered. Instead of adding on and accumulating, Migliore + Servetto make selections as they pursue their own powerful idea.””

Stefano Tonchi
NYT Style Editor in chief –
W Magazine, Editor in Chief, in Space Morphing, Oct. 2007



IoArch, Aug. 2016, n. 65, «Il racconto di Leonardo»

“The new Dmail stores designed by Migliore+Servetto Architects express the meaning of the brand as lively places to learn and find out information or to freely move in accordance with their own interests.

AN, Mar. Apr. 2017, n. 138, « Dmail concept store » pp. 32-36


Interiors, (Korea) n. 354, March 2016

il Sole 24 Ore
An effect of city-permeability powered by the brilliant intuition of Ico Migliore e Mara Servetto who, designing the very short-lived pause of the museum as a permanent building site, have identified the entrance portal as the key element of the involvement of the city’s project.

Fulvio Irace,
in Il Sole 24 Ore – 4 Aug. 2013, n.212 – “Egizio e Contemporaneo”/span>


#RCS TheArtOfLiving

Interiors, (Korea)n.357, Jun.2016, «Exhibition. Milan Design week 2016»

“A highly specialist world, habited by anonymous inventions, but often visited by the carefully pondered and wise thoughts of the masters of design.”

Abitare, jul./aug. 2005, n. 452, «Sensidivini»



Luce e Design, n. 4, Sep. 2016, « Architetture e Lighting – Interni d’autore»

“Once again, or rather twice at the same time (no easy matter), Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto have set out their work with great skill, clarity and expertise. Architecturale boxes, colours and images, projections and artifical lights, emptiness as a space crammed with experiences, and darkness as a gel.”

Abitare, July/Aug. 2005, n. 452, «Hogan and Lee Strasverg at the actor’s studio»



Vogue Living, (Australia), n.42, 2008 «Design is a business that is doing very well at a luxury leve.»

“The design by Ico Migliore e Mara Servetto beat 32 rival designs because it puts into practice a new kind of museum that places interaction at its core. It offers many possible narrations based on the endless combinations allowed by the wealth of the collection.”

Francesca Picchi
Domus, giu. 2010, n.937 «Chopin romantico e interattivo»



Ottagono, n. 271, June 2014, « On stage»

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